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Holy Week


"Passion" comes from the Latin Passio meaning "to suffer, or endure." Holy Week focuses on the saving acts of Christ. We start with Palm Sunday, the glorious arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. The crowd shouts "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!" Monday-Saturday we gather for noon prayer in Bethany's sanctuary.

Maundy Thursday is a celebration of the institution of the Lord's Supper. In the upper room Christ bids His followers to "Take, eat and drink for the remembrance of me." This is the new covenant between God and the world. It is Jesus' own body and blood that nourishes us. The service ends, however, with Christ's arrest, but it is clear that we are the ones convicted. The altar is stripped just as Jesus was stripped and condemned to die.

Good Friday is the day Jesus bears the sins of the world as He carries the cross to Golgatha. The crowd, who just a few days prior shouted "Hosanna!" shouts, "Crucify! Crucify!" The earth shakes and trembles as Jesus, the Son of God, dies. Matthew tells us Jesus died around 3pm (Matthew 27:46). At noon we will have solemn prayer and at 3:00pm Bach's St. John's Passion begins. We gather for the formal service at 7pm. This year all Good Friday services are at Bethany.

Holy Saturday has long been considered the holiest night of the year. The Easter Vigil gathers all believers to keep vigilant while Christ passes over (Passover) from death to life! St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN, has invited our parish to join them in their 7:00pm Easter Vigil. If you need a ride, let Pastor Emily know! 

Easter Sunday, the day that anchors all days, gathers the Church to praise God and the crowd sings songs of Alleluia! Christ is risen! For the next 50 days the Church celebrates the great Victory of Christ! Death has lost its sting. All who have been baptized into Christ have become part of the Body. Alleluia!!! Truly, nothing else in all the world matters! 

Glory to God in the highest and peace to God's people on earth! Alleluia, indeed!

Lent 2024 focus

Covenant: God's promise

The readings for Lent in Year B focus on 5 Covenants from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament):

Major Themes for Year B (lectionary/readings): 

  • The Cross becomes the focus, but in connection with the promises (covenant) of Baptism.
  • Covenant – God’s Promises
  • Law as Gift
  • Eyes on the Cross bring Healing
  • Holy Communion becomes the ultimate covenant--(w/ 1st communion training and other Lent plans)—tied with 2024 mission to give to food ministries.

Lent I Covenant: Noah and the Rainbow

Lent II Covenant: Sarah & Abraham receive new names as part of God’s promise to bring them many descendants.

Lent III Covenant: 10 Commandments, The Gift of Law

Lent IV Covenant: Bronze Snake on Tree (foreshadowing Christ on the Tree—“all who look upon it will be healed”)

Lent V Covenant: Future Day (Jesus who has and will come) when God will write the Law on our hearts. 

Want to learn more about covenants? Click here for "The Bible Projects'" excellent videos on the subject!


Holy Week Videos

Below you will find:

An info video AND Bach's St. Matthew's Passion (long loved and used by Lutherans worldwide)!

Click here to see all the streamed services.


Lent Videos:

Holden Evening Prayer

Lessons on Spiritual Practices